Saturday, June 25, 2016

The Importance of a Library

   Hey Readers, I wanted to write about a topic that many believe is going to change due to technology.
Libraries are changing daily. They are trying new approaches to get people excited to read. That may be a reading program that targets a specific age group or some kind of contest or even just some basic rearranging. Libraries are literally the only thing left that are somewhat free. I say somewhat because you have to pay late fee's and or replacement library cards ect.. However, I have been told that by choosing to major in Library and Information Science, that I will not find a job because they are dying off. I beg to differ! The importance of a library is to provide information, knowledge and entertainment to the masses for little to no money. It is used to engage children to read and provide education as well as the responsibility of handling and borrowing materials. They provide computers and internet use to those who do not have access otherwise. They bring joy and entertainment to those of us that enjoy a good book. Yes, technology is advancing daily if not hourly and that is why we need to make ourselves go into our local libraries. All it takes is some attention to them to get people in the doors. Go and check out a few books and talk about about it with your friends and family. It is because of the "instant gratification" that technology provides that is making our libraries lose their spark and ultimately lose money and jobs. I have applied many times to libraries and they simply are not hiring. That may be because they are at capacity but also because in the last year I have seen the population that used to go to the library dwindle down. This is a travesty to those of us who visit regularly.
   I wholeheartedly believe that if we just take that extra time and drive over to our local branches that we will see an incline in programs provided by staff, new books and more visually appealing displays. So I ask you to please, instead of buying a book and or downloading it online. Check out you local library. Not only will you save money but you are saving your library as well.

   These Images were provided by Pinterest and as you can see these are well taken care of Libraries. They have visually appealing display's and a new and exciting layout, It is because of the hard work of the staff as well as their passion for what they do. These pictures can be replicated just by going in and giving back to your community.
It is important that the children of the future are able to have this resource. I cannot tell you how many papers I have written or projects I have done that were successful because I used my local library as my biggest resource. Our children need to be able to use this when its necessary but also be able to use it for themselves.
    For me, the library is a sanctuary!! I walk in and it is sensory overload and I love it! I love the smell of the old books but I also love to get lost looking through shelf after shelf. I love when I walk out with a stack of books in my hand. It is truly my special place. We need to make sure that it stays around for another millennia!
    I urge all of you reading this to go an visit, I bet you wont leave without something and if possible donate! If you have books you read and want to clear space, give them to your library! I recently saw book bag for sale in mine and I spent $15 dollars on it. It was the best money spent at that! I felt wonderful for purchasing it because I was giving back to a resource that constantly provides for me.
 I hope that in reading this you all are inspired to get in the car and visit a branch. Just enjoy it because we don't want ever want to lose them.

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